Thursday, August 31, 2006

Islamic Fascism....American Fascism

It seems the new word of the week is "Islamic Fascism." Ann Coulter is using it. Bush used it over and over again. Now we see it's re-emergence before the coming elections. The November elections are a crucial turning point in American history. It is the time where we might possibly take control of the "American Fascism" that has gripped the USA. I watch tv and see the deluge of American propaganda overtaking the airwaves. Such shows that have similiar names like this;"Hunt for Bin Ladin", "Why We Invaded Iraq: They Wanted It", "We Fucked Up, but We Had Great Intentions", and finally last , but not least "If Terrorists Would Not Have Committed 9-11, We Would Have Responded Quicker In New Orleans." Their assault on the American psychi is very similiar to the practices Hitler used to win the support of the citizens of Germany. ,America 2005 Is Germany 1930

Brainwashing America

It also seems Bush has not learned nothing from his rants after 9-11. After reading the interview he gave with NBC,Bush interview he is still insisting on linking the terrorist events of 9-11 to Iraq. After he has said that Iraq had "nothing" to do with 9-11. Is the American people so foolish to fall into this trap again? Will they accept war profiteering and sacrificing their children for Bush and his manufactured freedom? Stay tuned folks!

Bush During Katrina

Now that we are at the first anniversary of the tragedy that was Katrina, I have to make a few comments. I am also working on a video of images that were forever imprinted on my mind coming from the Gulf Coast. In John Stewart's way, he shows us quite clearly how Bush responded to Katrina:

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Vote down Senate Bill 2453

In my blog I like to pass along as much action correspondence as I possibly can. Hopefully if it motivates just one person to take action it is a good thing. I recieved this today in my mailbox, among others also, calling for action concerning the illegal wiretapping. I will post Charles V. Sanders letter:

A message from Charles W. Sanders:

Take Action Sign Petition

Please join me in defending our Constitutional rights against illegal
wiretapping which will be expressly permitted if Dick Cheney and Arlen
Specter get their way. What is ironic about Cheney's obsession is that
a U.S. District judge in Detroit has already ruled that wiretapping was
in fact, illegal.

This fear-mongering pair, if they are not stopped, would use current
Senate Bill 2453 to totally absolve their misguided conspirators and
themselves of any legal wrongdoing, should they win approval. I was in a
Third District assembly which included U.S. Representative John Conyers
who expressed his displeasure with wiretapping and other improper
incursions by the Bush and Cheney.

Please display your righteous indignation by submitting this action
page so we can rally opposition to this blatant over reach on behalf of
the Bush administration. If passed, this legislation would usurp any
semblance of recourse through the ordinary remedies available through due
process. As your representative in Congress I would vote it down. In
the meantime we can speak out together against this conniving dosier.
Don't allow your fourth Amendment Constitutional rights against illegal
search and seizure to be swept away.

My name is Charles W. Sanders and I am running in Ohio's Third
Congressional district in a special election on September 15, 2006, to become
the Democratic nominee. Your submissions of my action page on the
Voting Rights act had a definite impact on the renewal of this historic
measure back into law earlier this year.

However, Senator Arlen Specter has worked closely with Vice President
Cheney to develop a bill that would cede even more power to the
executive branch -- and tries to strip us of our Fourth Amendment right not to
be wiretapped without a warrant.

Specter's bill, S. 2453, would give the Administration new authority to
obtain blanket "warrants" for its domestic wiretapping program - as
well as for any other wiretapping programs it desires. Once it obtains
this blanket permission, the Administration would apparently be exempt
from the Fourth Amendment's requirement to show a reason for each wiretap
and obtain a warrant. (The legislation does not directly address the
fact that the wiretapping program was just declared unconstitutional in a
U.S. District Court.

S. 2453 would also:

Send all court cases involving warrantless surveillance - including
cases currently pending in Federal courts -- to the secret Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review, which is completely off-limits to
lawyers without the highest security clearances. Allow these cases to
be dismissed for "any reason" with no chance for appeal. Remove other
protections, enabling the White House to freely conduct data-mining of
your private information.

Thank you for speaking out,
Charles W. Sanders


We NEED candidates like Charles Sanders to stand up and make an issue
of the repeated trangressions of the current administration. Charles
needs your help to get his message out for all of us. Please make a
contribution now to enable Charles to go to Congress and fight for you on
the issues you care about.


How many times have you felt helpless and wished you could influence
the votes of representatives in other districts to prevail on a critical
vote in Congress, but thought you could not do so effectively because
you were not one of their own constituents? How much more would you
support Charles if you do live in his district?

Here we have a courageous candidate who will fight for all the issues
you care about, if only he is given the chance to make the run. Please
donate whatever you can to help Charles get on the radio to recruit and
mobilize even more people to speak out so we can have a real impact on
these policy decisions now and for the future. What would you give to
have a whole legislature of people like Charles Sanders? Won't you
give him your support now to make that a reality?

We have been valiantly speaking out with action alerts based on one
fundamental premise --- either our representatives in Congress would
listen to and heed the voices of their people --- or else we would work to
replace them in the next election.

The time for the replacement action is NOW.

Take Action Sign Petition

Monday, August 21, 2006

I Hope That Spineless Rove Gets Everything He Deserves

I read an article today about Cindy Sheehan and 50 other great Americans protesting a Karl Rove republican fundraiser. I was shocked, but not surprised that as these protesters cried out such things as "Check your conscience", "Rove v. Truth: No Contest. Pink slip Rove." , and "Rove: Guilty of crimes against humanity", these fundraiser attendees laughed and joked along with Karl Rove(at the expense of the protesters). These rich republican supporters of Rove and Bush should be ashamed of themselves.
Here is a link to the story:

Sheehan, Others Protest at Rove Event
AUSTIN, Texas (Aug. 20) - Chanting "Try Rove for treason," Cindy Sheehan and more than 50 other war protesters disrupted a reception before President Bush 's top adviser Karl Rove spoke at a fundraiser Saturday. One woman was arrested during a scuffle with police after Sheehan and the anti-war demonstrators rushed toward the closed doors and kept chanting loudly after the guests went into the dinner. Rove was speaking to the Associated Republicans of Texas, and ticket prices started at $200. He was not in the Renaissance Hotel lobby during the reception. "I want him arrested. He planned the war that killed my son," Sheehan told officers guarding the door. Sheehan's oldest son Casey was killed in Iraq in 2004. Police then ordered the group to leave, but some protesters had paid for rooms for the night. Those protesters went upstairs, including Sheehan. One protester slipped inside the ballroom during the dinner but was escorted out after shouting about men and women dying, the Austin American-Statesman reported in its Sunday editions. "Pat, did you get her check before she left?" Rove quipped to the GOP group's executive director, Pat Robbins, as the crowd of 300 laughed, the newspaper reported. "I don't question the patriotism of our critics. Many are hardworking public servants who are doing the best they can. Some of them are people looking for a free meal," Rove said, drawing more laughs. Earlier, wearing shorts and T-shirts while guests of the lobby reception walked past in sequined dresses and expensive suits, anti-war demonstrators carried American flags and signs, including one that read "Check your conscience." A few protesters unfurled a large banner from a sixth-floor hotel balcony that read "Rove v. Truth: No Contest. Pink slip Rove." Those at the reception sipped their drinks and largely ignored the protesters before they started chanting. One man looked at the group and said, "Go Bush!" Earlier Saturday, the group of more than 70 gathered at the hotel entrance, carrying a large banner that read, "Rove: Guilty of crimes against humanity." Ann Wright, a former U.S. diplomat who resigned in 2003 in protest over the war, yelled through a bullhorn, "Karl Rove, you are a criminal!" After about 30 minutes, Austin police made them move onto grass at the edge of the property about a block away. Dozens remained later Saturday, holding signs as cars drove by, honking their horns. Sheehan and the group left their campsite in Crawford near Bush's ranch, where they have held vigil the past two weeks, and drove about 100 miles south to Austin. The war protest will continue until early September, although Bush's ranch 10-day ranch vacation ended last weekend. Sheehan's 26-day protest last August drew more than 10,000 people to her campsite in ditches off the rural road leading to the ranch, but she recently bought land near downtown for the group to camp on.
08/20/06 04:46 EDT

As I observe more of people in the USA, it is clearly evident that the gap between rich and poor is widening. It is so unfortunate that these elite, including celebrities and politicians, can wine and dine, when so many people in the world are dying because of American supremacy. It is also so unfortunate that Americans buy into the celeb-glamour mentality. Do they lack something in their lives that makes them look up or crave what these people have? I wonder do people realise they are making others rich at their expense? I also wonder when they buy their children games, dvds, cds, or any new fad of the week, do they think about the people they are making very wealthy? This story about Rove somehow is just bittersweet to me, because I realise that the "have nots' outweigh the "haves." As this invasion in the Middle East continues, what we see here is going to happen more and more. I hope that I had the ability to join Cindy Sheehan and do my part. So, it is sad and bittersweet, that I can sit here and blog when their are people out their trying to make a difference.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Wannabe In History

Tweedledee and Tweedledumber

Tweedledee and Tweedledumber


I just couldnt help myself, enjoy!!!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Message From Ted Kennedy: Cheney Must Apologize To Connecticut

Check Out to make your own personal notes + much more!

There are 146,587 terrorist supporters living in the state
of Connecticut according to Vice President Dick Cheney - the
number of Ned Lamont voters.

He claims they're encouraging "the Al Qaida" types who want
to "break the will of the American people in terms of our
ability to stay in the fight and complete the task" in Iraq.

Cheney's gone too far. His disgraceful declaration of war
Ned Lamont supporters is an attack not just on Democrats,
but on democracy itself.

We can't stand by while Republicans like Cheney slander the
people of Connecticut and millions of other Americans
nationwide who are showing up at the polls to reject the
failed record of the Bush Administration.

I just demanded an apology from the VP, and I thought you
might like to join me:


Judge Halts Warrantless Wiretapping Program

Hurray for U.S. District Judge Anna Diggs Taylor!!! The judge became the first federal judge to speak up and declare the warrantless wiretapping program to be unconstitutional and ordered it to be stoppped!! It is about time someone had the courage to face this highly debated issue. Like I said before, I believe in our system of check and balance. It may be slow and still have problems, but in the most part it works. Now we shall see how Congress or Mr. Bush break laws to go around this court order. You would think they would have learned something from the Terry Shiavo case. This is such a grand day, I love it when justice reigns supreme!

Judge Orders Halt To Warrantless Surveillance

9/11 Detainee tells His Story...Is Conspiracy a Crime?

If Bush and his group of clowns have their way, they will disrespect the decision of the Supreme Court and try other means to convict suspected terrorists and war criminals. Now, that they are slowly releasing people from Gitmo, the true stories of what the USA has been doing to suspected terrorists are hitting the media. I think we need to pass along these human rights stories as much as possible. These people need their stories read and heard. I urge people to post as many human rights stories to their blogs. Especially those stories Iraqi vets , Gitmo prisoners, and civillians caught in this power struggle. Americans need these stories in their faces, they need to be reminded of what their votes or their support of the Bush administration has done to many people and their families.
Invest in printer ink and paper (10 bucks) and spread these stories that might not be read in the rural areas or where proganda plays a part in brainwashing Americans.

A recent article from the Science Christian Monitor:

Is Conspiracy A War Crime?

Benemr Benatta was detained from Sept. of 2001 and released in July of 2006. He was not charged with any crime. After five years, he tells his story:

9/11 Detainne Released After Nearly Five Years

US steps up anti-Castro Tv-Science Christian Monitor

Here we go again! As if we do not have enough involvement in other countries. Now, we want to help promote 'democracy' in Cuba. Listen up people!!! You cannot force democracy or freedom on people, they must want it. I hope Americans wake up soon, this rogue nation has become totally out of control.

A recent story I read:

US steps up anti-Castro TV
By Warren Richey | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor

MIAMI – Every evening from Monday to Saturday, a small twin-engine prop plane taxis down the runway past combat-ready jet-fighters at Naval Air Station, Key West.
The commuter aircraft takes off and banks to the south over the deep-blue Florida Straits as pilot and crew prepare for their nightly invasion of Cuba.

In the Monitor
Thursday, 08/17/06

Hostage: The Jill Carroll Story - Part 4 : A mother as suicide bomber

Suicide bombings by women in Iraq

US steps up anti-Castro TV

Their mission: to spread democracy there by serving as an airborne broadcast platform for a US Spanish-language television network known as TV Martí.

Welcome to the newest front in Washington's propaganda war against Fidel Castro and his brother, Raúl. With Cuba's leader said to be frail but recovering from surgery and his brother provisionally designated as his successor, US officials are stepping up efforts to encourage the Cuban people to end Mr. Castro's 47-year revolution with a revolution of their own.

Officials with the Miami-based Office of Cuba Broadcasting (OCB), an arm of the US government, are quick to point out that their twin-prop Grumman G-1 at no time leaves international air space. Nonetheless, the Cuban government views the operation as the equivalent of a full-on invasion of Cuban sovereignty.

How effective this information 'invasion' may be is a matter of considerable debate. The Cubans have worked to jam TV Martí for years. The new plane and its high-powered transmitter were pressed into action Aug. 5 and are still in the testing phase. But officials say initial indications are positive.

"It is getting through. We have reports from Havana [and] Matanzas ... that it is being seen," says Alberto Mascaro, OCB's chief of staff. "Every day, it is getting better as they fine-tune the equipment."

Critics scoff at such claims. They see information warfare directed at Cuba as an expensive boondoggle related more to the political power of anti-Castro Cuban-Americans than to any demonstrable impact on bringing free elections to Cuba.

The US government has spent nearly $500 million to fund Radio Martí since 1985 and TV Martí since 1990. The Cuban government responded with an array of frequency jammers in and around Havana, and opponents of the propaganda effort say it has achieved little more than bringing very expensive "snow" to Cuban television screens.

"The bottom line is that TV Martí since the day it went on the air, regardless of the technology used, has virtually no audience. Every new technology that they have announced has not worked; it is very easy to jam," says John Nichols, a communications professor at Penn State University and coauthor of the book "Clandestine Radio Broadcasting."

Last month, a presidential commission recommended measures aimed at hastening the transition to democracy in post-Castro Cuba. One recommendation was to break Castro's information blockade. "The regime fears the day that the Cuban people have full access to independent information," it said.

Radio Martí programming has been somewhat more successful than TV Martí in evading jamming, but analysts say it nonetheless has failed to attract a large and loyal audience after more than 20 years in operation. One government estimate in 2005 said only 1.7 percent of Cubans were regular listeners.

But that hasn't slowed US efforts to find new and better ways to get information into Cuba. When TV Martí first started, it was broadcast from a blimp attached to a cable 10,000 feet above Cudjoe Key in the Florida Keys.

After the signals were easily blocked in Havana, the US responded with transmissions from a C-130 transport plane. Those broadcasts were also blocked. Now, TV Martí officials hope the new plane - with state-of-the-art equipment - will generate a signal strong enough to punch through the jammers.

That's not the only front in this information warfare. In 2003, TV Martí began beaming its signal throughout the island via satellite. The Cuban government tightly controls access to satellite broadcasts. But estimates are that there are perhaps 10,000 black- market satellite dishes island-wide.

"Now is the time to gear up and take action," says Stephen Johnson, a Cuba policy expert at the Heritage Foundation. He says the key to success at Radio and TV Martí is building credibility by offering reliable and useful information.

"What they need is information to help them realize that there are different ways of living out in the rest of the world, and that there are things they are missing out on," he says. "It is not to be anti-Castro, but to help plant seeds of change."

Professor Nichols says it won't work because no one in Cuba is listening. "The audience is the sender, not the receiver. The [attempted broadcasts] are making Cuba mad and the Cuban exile community happy," he says. "That is the real message."